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Rutgers Code of Student Conduct

Important Information

When students choose to attend Rutgers University, they understand that they must abide by all behavioral guidelines set by the Rutgers community.  The University Code of Student Conduct outlines behavioral expectations for Rutgers University students and provides information to all community members about what types of behaviors are not tolerated at Rutgers University. 

Rutgers expects its students to respect the values of the institution and that certain behaviors can result in suspension or expulsion. The policy applies to both on- and off- campus behaviors.

What Does the Policy Do?

  • Sets expectations for Rutgers University student behavior
  • Lists behaviors prohibited at the university
  • Identifies the rights of the complaint party and the accused
  • Defines the process for addressing allegations of student misconduct
  • Identifies possible consequences for students who violate the policy

Policy Excerpt on Safety, Disruptions, and Disorderly Conduct

Excerpt from Section VI, items E, P, and Q

Safety violations:

  • Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on or adjacent to university premises or at university events.
  • Failing to comply with the reasonable and lawful directions of university officials and/or university police, including but not limited to, instructions to produce identification.


  • Intentionally or recklessly interfering with any university activity or university sponsored activity.
  • Disrupting or obstructing an academic class or lecture, an administrative or support function, or official university business.
  • Engaging in classroom conduct that is prohibited by the faculty member or is in violation of the law or university policy.

It should be noted that this policy is not intended to punish students for classroom dissent or hinder organized, peaceful, and orderly protests that are undertaken within reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions placed upon the same by the university.

Disorderly conduct:

  • Engaging in conduct that is disruptive, lewd, or indecent, regardless of intent, which breaches the peace of the community.

Read the Full Policy